Feeling Tired and Flat as a result of the change in Weather?

Many people complain of feeling flat when the weather cools down . In Summer  due to the warmth your Qi (or energy) and Blood move around the body freely keeping you energised and healthy .However when the cold kicks in if a person has an underlying cold condition they may suffer as a result of stagnation of ther Qi and Blood . Symptoms may include , feeling flat , tiredness, acheing  joints, depression and other  . As a result many also dont get outside to replenish their vitamin D levels and become vitamin D deficient. Recent research has shown a link between Low plasma vitamin D and Depression .

Some tips to keep well this winter

  1. Eat Warm Soups with Ginger (asian style soups)
  2. Drink Warm Water , herbal teas rather than coffee
  3. Avoid cold foods such as salads and fruit \
  4. do not eat straight from the fridge
  5. Exercise in the Sun
  6. DO Bikram Yoga or Thai Chi in a Warm room
  7. Get a weekly massage or Acupuncture to help Circulation
  8. get your Vit D checked if your dont feel happy

Jason Mallia PhD naturopath Sydney