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Pediatric Naturopathy

Paediatric Naturopath Sydney

Grow Healthy Kids With Support From Our Paediatric Naturopath in Sydney

When giving your kids the best start on their health journey or finding natural remedies for specific ailments, our paediatric naturopath in Sydney has extensive experience. We provide exceptional service and take the time to understand your concerns using a combination of knowledge, scientific evidence, and the latest technology to create a tailored health plan. By adding a kid’s health naturopath to your child’s supportive healthcare team, you can start creating beneficial and effective habits such as good nutrition, exercise, and adequate sleep that your child can carry throughout their lifetime.

Reasons to Visit a Children’s Naturopath in Sydney

Our practitioners have extensive knowledge and experience working with kids on a range of common conditions. We can support your child’s health journey with a natural approach to specific disorders.

  • Digestion: Kids can suffer from a wide range of common gut issues, including constipation, reflux, excessive gas, bloating, nausea, and more. While some conventional medicine may improve your child’s condition, numerous natural options can be more beneficial and effective in the long term. We can support you in finding the cause of your child’s condition and create a program to build healthy digestive habits, such as ensuring there is enough fibre and water in their diet.
  • Mental health and anxiety: While external stresses can negatively impact children’s mental health or cause them to suffer from anxiety, a poor diet can also be an issue. Low iron and other nutrient deficiencies can cause children to become irritable, feel fatigued, or express other behavioural issues. Our naturopath can assist you in ensuring that your child receives a sufficient supply of essential nutrients and minerals, such as fatty acids and probiotics, to promote positive brain development and a balanced gut microbiome.
  • Skin conditions: Rashes and eczema are common childhood ailments. Children’s skin tends to be thinner and more absorbent, so they can readily react to external and internal triggers. Our professionals can help you determine what s products and dietary requirements will be most suitable for your child to reduce the occurrence of rashes or eczema.

We also have experience working with parents and children suffering from growing pains, immune-related conditions, behavioural disorders and more.

What You Can Expect From Us Regarding a Kids’ Natural Health Doc

We understand that life as a parent is busy, so we offer online consultations and ongoing professional support as a kids’ naturopath in Sydney.

  • Comprehensive online services: You can get exceptional and dedicated health advice and recommendations online from the comfort of your home. We use an easy online process so you can book a consultation, fill in an intake form for your child, and then receive personalised care online via zoom.
  • Highly experienced and knowledgeable naturopath: Our resident naturopath has more than 23 years of experience working in natural health. We take the time to understand your child’s condition and offer individualised care using the latest testing products on the market, quality natural medicines and supplements, and evidence-based dietary programmes.
  • Prevention services: You can optimise your kid’s health with prevention strategies recommended by our practitioners to reduce the risk of illness and chronic conditions. Whether you’re a new parent or have several children, we can provide you with exceptional advice and natural approaches to implementing a healthy lifestyle.

About Integrated Health

We can work alongside your children’s pediatricians to support your young family in their journey to optimal health and well-being. We take an integrative and personalised approach to healthcare using evidence-based natural medicine and science. Please book a consultation online or contact us with any questions about our services.

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Toxins, are our children safe?

by Dr Jason Mallia Reg Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath Pediatric Naturopathy. Integrative Medicine

With chronic disease on the rise it’s important to consider what could be the drivers of such conditions and causes of the sudden incline in the past 50 years. With the industrial revolution came great innovation and development to make our lives more comfortable but to what expense? Furthermore the industrialization of medicine in the search of “life saving” interventions have also featured but have they offset the the simultaneous surge in chronic disease?

Cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease and cardiovascular disease are all on the rise with no sign of slowing down soon. Many of these chronic diseases have now been found in children and are on the rise. In the US  children have more type 1 diabetes than any other country in the world, with a prevalence in children and adolescents that grew by 21% from 2001 to 2009. So why the sudden incline in the US?

Research shows environmental factors play a significant role in the development including two of the most widely discussed environmental candidates are dietary factors and viral infections suggesting that poor nutritional status in mums preconception play a vital role along with pathogens as a hidden cause.

So what are the main drivers of Chronic disease

Natural medicine seeks to understand the cause of illness. Research has shown that most
chronic diseases have a driver connected to the disease.

These drivers include toxicity, stress, pathogens, inflammation, and poor nutrition.

These drivers have all been linked to the progression of certain chronic conditions. For example, in the
chronic autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis, certain microbes have been shown to be
present in sufferers, leading to a dysregulation of their immune systems. It is important to
understand the existence of these drivers so that you can implement a plan to counteract them
and improve these conditions.

Toxicity and our Kids

We have more people on the planet than ever before and with this comes much impact on the environment and ultimately human health. This also means higher waste accumulation, more car pollution, more food packaged in plastic to feed the masses, more chemicals to keep up with food demand, more technology and EMF and the list goes on.  No wonder why chronic disease is on the rise with 50% of the Australian population reporting a chronic disease of some kind. This has made toxicity one of the major concerns of the 21st century.

So how do we keep our kids toxin levels down?

Of course the best way to prevent toxicity is to prevent exposure to the above by leading a clean lifestyle, but one of the simplest most effective ways to help kids rid their body of toxins naturally is getting them to drink clean filtered and mineralized water. This helps prevent heavy metals and other impurities accumulate in their little bodies and flush out unwanted toxins naturally. Try adding some organic lemon juice to the water to help with the process. The second most effective way is by way of natural detox through food.

Feed them the The Clean 15 and Remove the Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen™ is a trademark term used to define the twelve foods that farmers typically use the most pesticides on, versus, the Clean 15™ which is also a trademark term to describe the fifteen fruit and vegetables that have the lowest amount of pesticide.

The Dirty Dozen Foods                                  (highly sprayed, organic recommended)

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Peaches
  8. Cherries
  9. Pears
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Celery
  12. Potatoes

The Clean 15 Foods (lower levels of spraying eat non organic if need be, please note some may be GMO so eat organic to avoid possibility)

  1. Avocado
  2. Sweet Corn
  3. Pineapple
  4. Onion
  5. Papaya
  6. Sweet Peas Frozen
  7. Eggplant
  8. Asparagus
  9. Cauliflower
  10. Cantaloupes
  11. Broccoli
  12. Mushrooms
  13. Cabbage
  14. Honeydew Melon
  15. Kiwi

Whilst we can’t be perfect with food the little changes make all the different with our kids and help their little bodies stay low toxic and healthy.

By Dr Jason Mallia Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath Integrative Medicine Pediatric Naturopathy

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How’s your ticka? 8 Causes of Cardiovascular events.

In recent times there has be an increased focus on heart health matters and tragic losses in our community and worldwide due to cardiovascular events. While some seem to have had a medical history of cardiovascular disease others have had no preexisting condition at all prior to their event. Whilst the cause of these cardiac issues are largely “unknown” various factors including stress, environmental factors and effects of ones exposome seem to be connected. There also seems to be much focus on post COVID 19 infection as one of these causes.

According to John Hopkins University

“COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, can damage heart muscle and affect heart function.

There are several reasons for this. The cells in the heart have angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptors where the coronavirus spike protein attaches before entering cells. Heart damage can also be due to high levels of inflammation circulating in the body. As the body’s immune system fights off the virus, the inflammatory process can damage some healthy tissues, including the heart.”

Those with unaffected cardiovascular health seem to have better tolerance and less severe symptoms related to COVID 19, due to better clearance and less adhesion of Spike proteins to ACE-2 receptors.

Here are 8 possible causes and triggers of cardiovascular events

1 Those with inflammatory conditions have been well examined by mainstream as being a possible ongoing process in the formation of plaques in the arteries with those with heart disease, Blood type science has identified that certain blood types have a heightened inflammatory response as a result of infection in the blood vessels. This means that these individuals are a higher risk of plaque formation and developing certain forms of heart disease.   

2 People over weight and obese, its been long known that Obesity is an inflammatory condition and a known factor that increases the risk of heart attacks.

3 Those already whom have a Cardiac disease or undiagnosed condition. Whilst those with pre-existing cardiac conditions may have their condition under control various environmental factors including infection, inflammation, stress and toxic load can tip their balance leading to a cardiac event.

5 Other genetic and environmental factors

6 Blood Thickness and Clotting. Efficient blood flow is crucial when it comes to cardiovascular health. And according to blood type this can vary. Differences in blood clotting factors such as Von Willerbrand factor have been identified. In the different blood types and has been shown to be a major contributor to cardiac events. 

7 Stress Factors It has been well documented that stress is a major contributor to triggering various disease. According to mainstream and blood type science this is a major contributor heart disease risk. Stress has been shown to trigger hormones that promote blood clots and other substances such as fatty acids and glucose into the bloodstream .These substances all have a potential if being deposited into the arterial wall. As a result these deposits cause decreased blood flow or turbulence in the arteries and increases blood pressure. Each type responds differently to stress due to their individual blood type specific hormone profile. It has been identified that differences occur in each heart disease patient in response to stresses and blood type is a major link that explains why

8 Having had COVID 19 infection and being blood type A

A study in Pubmed examined the risk of getting COVID and showed that blood type A had a higher risk of getting COVID compared to other blood types.

“186 patients with PCR confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 were included in this study. Age, sex, blood groups, comorbidities, need for intubation and intensive care unit follow up and mortalities of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. 1881 healthy individuals, who presented to the Hacettepe University Blood Bank served as the controls.

The most frequently detected blood group was blood group A (57%) amongst the COVID-19 patients. This was followed by blood group O (24.8%). The blood group types did not affect the clinical outcomes. The blood group A was statistically significantly more frequent among those infected with COVID-19 compared to controls (57% vs. 38%, P < 0.001; OR: 2.1). On the other hand, the frequency of blood group O was significantly lower in the COVID-19 patients, compared to the control group (24.8% vs. 37.2%, P: 0.001; OR: 1.8).

In conclusion The results of the present study suggest that while the blood group A might have a role in increased susceptibility to the COVID-19 infection, the blood group O might be somewhat protective. However, once infected, blood group type does not seem to influence clinical outcome.

So Which Blood Types are more affected by Cardiovascular Disease

Evidence seems to link blood type A and AB are more likely to have heart disease associated with high cholesterol. A study in Japan showed that blood type a people have a naturally higher level of Cholesterol than any other blood type. Another study showed that Blood Type A had a higher risk of cholesterol related heart disease than blood type B even though elevated cholesterol was found in both blood types.  A Hungarian study also showed that after measuring the cholesterol of 653 patient’s blood type A showed a significantly higher level than blood type 0.

Genetically determined high cholesterol has also been shown to be linked to blood type A, in various inherited forms of high cholesterol. One study showed that Hyperlipoproteinaemia (high LDL and VLDL) was prevalent mostly in blood type A. This was shown to be evident in new borns and patients with heart disease.

So what can we eat to help our heart health?

The following heart healthy foods should be included in your regime, simply eat the following foods according to your blood group.

Type OType AType ABType B
Lean Organic grass fed meat  Soy FoodsSoy FoodsLean Organic lamb or mutton    
Richly oiled cold water fish  Richly oiled cold water fish  Richly oiled cold water fish  Richly oiled cold water fish   
Olive OilOlive OilOlive OilCultured yoghurt 
WalnutsWalnutsWalnutsBlack walnuts 
SeaweedsGarlicGarlicOlive Oil 
BroccoliLeafy GreenLeafy GreenMustard greens ,Kale, Collards 
Maitake MushroomsBlue Berries, blackberries, cherriesCherries, gooseberries, loganberriescranberries Pineapple 

Want to know your blood type ?

Want to learn more about blood type ?

By Dr Jason Mallia Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine Sydney

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Your blood type and YOU!

Did you know that your blood type is a genetic marker which can determine your susceptibility to various health conditions including viral and bacterial infections, blood clotting disorders and others?

Its been long known since the early 1900s that we are different based on blood type. Famous researcher Dr Karl Landsteiner’s discovery answered the question as to why one person would live after a blood transfusion due to illness, while another died when the same blood was given. The science of blood type was born.

Today blood type science is a settled science, and it has confirmed that the gene responsible for this variation in our physiology is due to the gene 9Q34 (or the blood type gene). This gene is responsible for the up-regulation or down-regulation of a particular function in our bodies, for example Blood type 0 have an upregulation of stomach acid making it easy to break down animal protein, while A blood type have a down regulation of the same function making them better on a lower protein diet from less animal products.

Want to Learn more about blood type? Consult with a Master Blood Type Practitioner

Dr Jason Mallia Sydney Naturopath and Integrative Medicine Practitioner

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Is your child getting the nourishment they need? 7 Tips on how to help them thrive.

As our children grow, navigate the world and its for ever changing environment, it can be hard know if our child’s nutritional needs are being met.

Each child has their own unique needs and can be determined by a number of factors including, their genetic make up, their blood type and daily nutritional needs based on their activity level and the stage of life they are at.

From packaged foods claiming to have nutritional value to organic grown fruit and vegetables how do we actually know that they are getting what we think they need?

Many parents opt for a multi-vitamin hoping to fill in the gaps in nutrition to gain piece of mind, however how can we be sure they will meet their for ever changing needs? Further more, is their gut actually absorbing what it says on the bottle?

In a perfect world our child would have bee conceived and born naturally ( with no toxins or drugs) , inherited good gut health via the beneficial bacteria passed on by their mums, have access to wide variety of organic fruit and vegetables daily, have access to grass fed animal products and live by the sea to access fresh fish daily. On top of this then allow their own gut intuition to choose the foods their body actually is craving for that time. They would do this daily to keep up with their own nutritional needs.

In todays modern world this can be quite a challenge to say the least! as many kids aren’t brought in to the world under these circumstance and given the option would choose fast food over a good piece of fish and ice-cream over a green apple!

So what can we do to ensure thier needs are getting met ?

1 Limit fast foods and sweets, these foods can leach valuable nutrients out of their bodies, for example for every gram of sugar consumed the magnesium requirement quadruples.

2 Make a wide variety of food available to them and allow them to choose daily what they crave, remember if their gut is unhealthy they will probably crave sugary or fast foods. Include live cultures and fermented foods to improve their gut health.

3 Asses your child’s nutritional expenditure by looking at their daily activities , such has sports, gymnastics and dancing. This can give valuable insights as to what your child will need more of nutritionally.

4 Assess the stage of life and determine what their bodies need more of at the particular stage of development

5 Consult with a Pediatric nutritionist or naturopath and have them do a thorough assessment, test their vitamin and mineral status , this can be done using hair, blood and other scans.

6 Have your child’s gut health tested to ensure they are getting the most out of their foods. This can be done with a simple fecal swab and the microbes can be assessed. (this is highly recommended for cesarian delivered kids)

7 Use only quality supplements if all the above has been done first and consult with a pediatric naturopath who can guide you to the right supplementation.

By Dr Jason Mallia Sydney Naturopath

Pediatric naturopath , Integrative Medicine

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Our Guide to Cupping Treatments – How to Take Care of Yourself Before & After

When it comes to alternative medicine, there are forms of therapies that you can resort to for
healing, optimal function, and other health benefits. The popular therapies used are massage
therapy and physical therapy, which are very beneficial to your health and overall well-being.
One interesting form of alternative medicine is cupping therapy. This type of therapy is
performed in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin, creating suction to stimulate the
flow of energy. The suction created through cupping is said to increase blood circulation, loosen
muscles and connective tissue, and clear “heat.”
Some people who have received cupping in the past complained about feeling sore, achy, tired,
or having flu-like feeling after such treatment. With the right self-care before the cupping
therapy, however, you can support your body so that you will feel rejuvenated after the
That said, below are seven tips on how to take of yourself before and after the cupping session.

  1. Drink plenty of water
    When it comes to bodywork, it’s always essential to keep yourself hydrated, which also applies
    to your cupping session. Make sure to drink plenty of room-temperature water before your
    session and for 24 to 48 hours after.
  2. Eat before the treatment
    It’s vital to keep yourself nourished and ready for the cupping session. This is why you must eat
    sometime during the day before your treatment. Also, it will help if you have a snack after your
    treatment to have a boost in energy.
  3. Avoid vigorous exercise after the treatment
    Be advised that you should avoid rigorous activities after the session at all costs. If you want to
    move after the session, you should consider walking, stretching, gentle yoga or other gentle
    movements to avoid shocking your body with sudden quick movements.
  4. Make sure to avoid drafts after treatment
    Take note that you should avoid drafts by all means. Never sit in front of fans or windy places,
    or cool down under the AC, especially after a treatment. Keep in mind that cupping opens the
    pores and the channels in your body, making it vulnerable. This is because environmental
    factors, such as wind and cold, can make your body stiff and experience pain.
  5. Avoid showering or swimming

After your cupping treatment, avoid showering or swimming for the rest of the day at all costs.
Do so for the same reason that avoiding wind and cold is essential.

  1. Apply massaging gel, cream, or oil for any soreness.
    You can apply massage gel, cream, or oil into the area if you have any soreness or if you have
    dark cupping marks. Doing so will help promote healing and reduce any discomfort.
  2. Inform your practitioner if you have discomfort after cupping.
    Remember always to inform your practitioner if you’ve ever experienced any form of discomfort
    after the cupping sessions. This is because they can quickly modify the treatments yet be gentle
    and effective.
    Ultimately, cupping therapy can be beneficial by improving the blood flow and allowing for
    improved function and healing of your body. If you are dehydrated, haven’t eaten enough, are
    fatigued, or have a sensitive constitution, keep in mind that your body may not have the
    resources it needs to endure after the treatment.
    With the right self-care before and after a cupping therapy, you can support your body so that
    you will feel as renewed. By following the tips given above, you will be able to avoid the achy
    flu-like feelings, and receive all the amazing benefits of cupping!
    If you are looking for a cupping treatment in Sydney, get in touch with us today to see how we
    can help.

By Dr Jason Mallia Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine

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5 Tips to avoid the dreaded Flu and other Viruses this winter.

Transitioning from the warmer months to cooler months calls for changes in what we do day to day , whilst it may seem very obvious many people struggle to adapt to the new environment making them susceptible to the dreaded cold or other viruses and illnesses .

As we transition from season to season our bodies requirements change and its crucial we adjust our lifestyle accordingly to not only supply vital nutrients but also to help keep up our bodies ever changing needs.

Here are 5 Tips to help you stay healthy this winter.

1 Avoid drinking cold food or drinks in cooler climates, this not only brings cold into your body but can damage organs that are needed for optimum immune heath and function for Eg the Spleen which manufactures blood for our immunity.

2 Minimize mucous forming foods such as dairy and Bananas or foods that are not suitable for your blood group , these foods also contribute to damp and mucous formation that strains our immune system . If the food produces’ mucous and is cold in temp and properties it will be a good one to avoid.

3 Drink hot to warm water between meals to clear cold accumulation and warm the body, this will not only hydrate you better and it will clear unwanted damp and cold within your body .

4 Avoid Cold salads and switch to warm soups and broths It might sound obvious but you would be surprised how many people eat salads in the colder months due to a weight loss regime or due to being vegan.

5 Drink lots of Ginger tea or fresh ginger juice, Ginger is a power warmer of the body and helps protect the body from Viruses and immune issues.

Written By Dr Jason Mallia (Acupuncturist) Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine

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3 Tips to Maintain Your Weight Loss Goal as a New Year’s Resolution – Our Guide

2020 has started with a bang, which means the new year is welcoming a new set of resolutions that involve swearing off bad habits for a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, once the third week of January hits, the determination starts to wane until all the weight loss goals start dusting at the back of your head, waiting to come out once another new year rolls in.

With that in mind, the tips below should help you stay on top of your weight loss plans.

Tip #1: Establish SMART Goals

The first step to staying within the lane of your road to weight loss is to create a list of SMART goals, which means the plans must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Starting with a grand vision can quickly lead you astray from your goals as it is easy to lose your momentum once push comes to shove by mid-January.

With that in mind, start small by writing specific tasks you need to accomplish daily. Make sure that these tasks are actionable and realistic, such as cutting back on carbs bit by bit. Doing a step by step process can help you measure your accomplishments and reach your weight-loss journey in a timely manner in slow yet steady progress.

Tip #2: Include Meal Prep in Your Daily Routine

It’s easy to succumb to the temptation of unhealthy snacks if your kitchen pantry is filled with chips, chocolates, and empty carbs that will only set you back. Meal prep offers the solution as it involves preparing healthy meals that are easy to access, which makes it easier to stick to your goals.

After all, if your refrigerator is filled with healthy greens, protein, and pre-made grains, you’re not stocking up on bad habits. That’s why it’s in your best interest to invest a few hours over the weekend to plan and prep healthier meal choices for the week.

This leaves you no excuses to cheat on your weight-loss plans as the food choices align with your goals.

Tip #3: Keep a Food Journal

Keeping journals is an effective tool as it allows you to measure your progress and evaluate your eating habits. You can go traditional by tracking your weight-loss journey using a pen and paper, but there are plenty of mobile apps that can seamlessly integrate your plans in an easy-to-access medium.

Not only does it serve as a daily reminder, but weight-loss apps or food journals also reveal eating patterns that don’t work for you. Eliminating certain foods that don’t make you feel good will strengthen your resolution and ensure your motivation stays lit for years to come.

The Bottom Line

A statistical survey done by the Statistic Brain Research Insitute (SBRI) found that 45% of Americans alone dedicate their new year’s resolution to weight loss, but only 8% see it through the end.

The harsh reality is that it can be tricky to stay on track come mid-January, but the goal is to shed pounds, not promises. To that end, the guides above should help you achieve the new you in the new year – for real.

If you’re looking to lose weight this year, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

By Dr Jason Mallia Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine

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3 Reasons Why You Should Visit a Naturopath Today – What to Know

In spite of its seemingly -new nature Naturopathy has been around for centries and dates back to the Father of medicine himself Hippocrates. Naturopathy has become the talk of the town in recent years because of its awe-inspiring effects. Within the last few years of naturopathic care, thousands of patients have recorded dramatic developments in both their overall health and their ability to recover from various symptoms.

Aside from its ability to effectively help with chronic conditions and provide a safe and effective form of treatment, naturopathic care has also been shown to work in achieving different health goals. 

To better understand how the services of a naturopath can help make a significant difference in the way you live, let’s go over three reasons you should visit a naturopathic doctor: 

1. Authenticity in treatments and health care

In comparison to other forms of traditional medical treatments, naturopathic care provides a straightforward treatment that gets to the root of the problem and solves it right away, effectively setting the standard for authenticity in holistic care.

2. Guidance in setting a healthier lifestyle in the long run

Apart from ensuring that various pressing matters in your body and troublesome conditions are well taken care of, naturopaths also emphasize the importance of establishing foundations of health in their practice. Generally speaking, naturopaths lead their patients to live healthier and partake in more holistic activities by setting key practices throughout their consultations with them.

By consulting with a naturopath or holistic health care professional, you’ll be able to set out on revamping the way you live by having the necessary guidance to set up a healthy lifestyle. Given the fact that their treatments are generally curtailed towards ensuring that your health is at its prime, it’s safe to say that naturopaths are professionals who seek to treat you beyond your sessions.

3. Quality opinions on key conditions or symptoms that may be bothering you

With the help of a naturopaths services, you’ll be able to potentially avoid spending a fortune on drastic methods, medicines, and procedures. You can do so by seeking quality second opinions that get to the root of the problem while effectively manageing your condition in the gentlest way possible!

Final words

Sure it may seem different as opposed to other forms of traditional medical treatments, but naturopathic care and holistic treatment methods have been shown to be effective ways to upkeep or improve one’s health. If you’re looking to improve the quality of your life with the help of a skilled and competent naturopath, get in touch with us in Annandale today! We’re happy to help.

By Dr Jason Mallia Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine

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9 Tips to Help You Reach Your Health & Fitness Goals – Our Guide for 2022

Many people agree that taking care of their bodies is one of the most important aspects of living a happy and healthy life. Ironically, many of the same people admit to not knowing where to start when trying to improve their health. 

In this article, we’ll try to address that dilemma with nine tips to guide you through the early stages of your journey towards a healthier and fitter lifestyle.

1. Set clear goals

Fitness can mean many things for different people. Identify what you want to achieve in terms of your health and list them down. Remember to be specific with your intentions, whether it’s to pack on a given amount of muscle or shed off a certain amount of weight within a set period.

2. Come up with a plan

Plot out a course of action that you can use to follow along as you tackle your fitness goals. Consider your daily routines and think about how you can include your fitness schedule in and work around it. If your plan involves exercise, know that there are ways to have a good workout even with the tightest of schedules. In terms of diet, come up with a meal plan that’s in accordance with your health goals.

3. Track your progress

Make a record of your workouts and vital stats to gauge whether or not your plan is effective. This is especially important in the early stages of the process as it will serve as your guide in determining what works and what doesn’t. Over time, as you become more familiar with your plan, you may not need to track as often.

4. Make incremental adjustments

You will want to make progress that you can sustain in the long run, so this means to avoid making drastic changes to your habits that you won’t be able to follow in less than a month. Start slow, make a few adjustments along the way, see how it goes, and then take it from there.

5. Get educated

There’s a wealth of knowledge that can be found online. Just remember to rely on credible sources for your information, as there are many self-proclaimed health gurus that could put you on the path to injury or harm. Look for real experts who use scientific evidence to back up their claims.

6. Don’t compare yourself to others

Not feeling happy with your body and comparing yourself with other people is a guaranteed way of demotivating yourself and losing sight of your goals. Every person is on their own fitness journey, so take pride in the fact that you’re well on your way. 

7. Celebrate small milestones

Take the time to acknowledge various milestones that you reach along the way as you aim toward your fitness goals. Reward yourself with new clothes to complement your improved physique, or indulge in a delightful massage as a treat. 

8. Accept that progress is not linear

Keep in mind that you will experience many ups and downs throughout your fitness journey, so don’t panic when you see results that are not what you were hoping for. Plateaus and slowdowns are normal in the fitness journey. As long as you’re constantly bouncing back and making overall progress towards your goals, don’t stress! You’re doing just fine.

9. Use every resource available

Seek out the help of professionals in your area for times when you might feel stuck with your progress. They will be able to offer a fresh perspective and ways to help you get around those hurdles. If you find that your stress is your biggest setback, seek stress management help. If you find that your gut needs a reset, undergo a professionally supervised detox. There are so many things you can do to improve your wellbeing. The Internet can be incredibly useful in finding services and professionals that can help you attain your goals.

Wrapping up

Don’t get discouraged when you are faced with hurdles along the way, as the journey to having a healthy and happy life doesn’t happen overnight. We hope that the tips given above were helpful and ignited the motivation in you to set off on the road to better health. 

If you’re looking to get healthy and fit in this new year, get in touch with us to see how we can help.

By Jason Mallia Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine

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Integrated Health- Frequently Asked Questions About Remedial Massage Therapists – What to Know

A masseuse and a remedial massage therapist are two different people. The emergence of different kinds of health practitioners these days makes knowing who and what one does very confusing. A masseuse is a common term used to describe people who learned how to massage clients from weekend online courses. A remedial massage therapist is more than that. Learning one from the other will make a huge difference, especially when choosing the right one for your needs.

Here are the common questions that patients ask about remedial massage therapists.

What is a remedial massage therapist?

A remedial massage therapist also gives massage services. However, their approach is much more nuclear than a regular masseuse is. Think of an internal medicine doctor to a general physician. A remedial massage therapist uses standard treatments to be able to assist a patient’s body to rehabilitate and manage pain and injury.

Remedial massage therapists use a systematic assessment to treat the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the other connective tissues of the patient’s body. As opposed to a typical relaxation massage, this approach is much more geared towards providing relief from pain and tension.

Are they a diploma qualified?

These people train under the RTO or the Registered Training Organization to be able to gain a qualification. They study anatomy, as well as physiology and functional changes of the body when it has a disease or an injury. This science is called pathophysiology. To become a certified remedial massage therapist, one must undergo this training for 18 weeks to one year.

What techniques do they use?

The techniques that a remedial massage therapist might employ will vary on the services that you want to avail of or the injury that you have. Remedial massage therapy is qualified to render an extensive array of services because of his or her in-depth knowledge of the science and art of massage therapy. 

If you need a relaxing massage, for example, the remedial massage therapist can use a technique that employs effleurage substantial treatment. If you have an ongoing pain that gives you difficulty in balancing, the remedial massage therapist will strengthen weaker muscles and will break up soft tissues that build up because of an injury.

They can conduct trigger point therapy. They can also do myofascial release, as well as deep tissue manipulation. These people release tension in the muscles caused by many different reasons, such as lack of exercise, excessive gym workout, and over exhaustion from physical work.

How do they approach my condition?

A remedial massage therapist will create a session plan for your treatment because not one treatment plan applies to all. Each case is unique, and it deserves the remedial massage therapist’s special attention. He or she will assess your background, the nature of your injury, some past and ongoing treatments for the damage, observe your structural alignment, and proceed from there.

What are the specific conditions that they treat?

A remedial massage therapist can alleviate your stress because massage is an effective treatment for anxiety. They offer injury rehabilitation from acute pain treatment up to the restoration of your soft tissue. They can also help heal sports-related injury, headaches, jaw soreness, neck pain, shoulder dysfunction, and more.

One more thing

Deciding whether or not a remedial massage therapist can help you will depend upon the type of physical injury or pain you have. The best way to find out is to book an appointment both to your physician and to a certified remedial massage therapy clinic. A remedial massage therapist cannot treat your pain alone. He or she needs to work closely with your physician to know the kind of treatment plan to be designed. 

If you’re looking for a remedial massage in Inner West Sydney, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

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5 Effective Weight Loss Herbs You Need to Know About

Instant weight loss pills are not as effective as they may seem. It’s no secret that proper diet and ample exercise are still the keys to reduce and maintain weight. However, some herbs may increase your metabolism or reduce your willingness to eat, and some work as mild diuretics that reduces water weight.

Here are five herbs that can help you lose weight:

1. Dandelion

Aside from being a mild diuretic and laxative, this flower also reduces your cholesterol levels while enhancing your metabolism. Dandelions retain the nutrients your body needs as it eliminates fatty residue through the digestive system. However, while it is capable of minimizing vitamin imbalance, excessive intake of this herb can lead to electrolyte depletion.

Fresh dandelions are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, while dandelion greens contain lutein for improving eyesight. You can get your recommended daily intake by drinking three to four cups of dandelion leaf tea or consuming at least 15 dandelion tincture drops. Adding fresh dandelion greens to your soup or salad will also help you enjoy its health benefits.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Consuming one teaspoon of cayenne pepper before every meal stimulates your metabolism by increasing the heat produced by your body. It also reduces your appetite for fatty foods, which results in consuming fewer calories. This medicinal herb also reduces the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin and boosts your stomach’s defence against infections.

3. Psyllium

Psyllium is a soluble fibre that resists digestion in the small intestine and delays stomach emptying hours after a meal. This fibre can also reduce blood sugar levels, treat constipation, and lower cholesterol levels. Drinking one teaspoon of psyllium powder diluted onto two cups of water twice a day is the recommended intake.

Meanwhile, you can negate psyllium’s bulking effect by drinking six more glasses of water. Pregnant women and people with asthma are advised not to consume this fibre. Those who are sensitive to fiber may also experience rashes after ingesting psyllium. It cannot be consumed with other capsules or tables because it delays the absorption of certain medications.

4. Garcinia Cambogia

Also known as the Malabar tamarind, Garcinia Cambogia was once an obscure cousin of the mangosteen. Its popularity, however, skyrocketed when supplements containing extracts from this fruit became widely-known. Taking three, 500-milligram capsules every day for eight weeks will significantly curb your appetite to eat more, which contributes to weight loss. Garcinia Cambogia is also an agent for reducing cholesterol levels even if you may feel dizzy each time you consume its pills.

5. Gymnema Sylvestre

Supplements of this woody shrub, which is native to Africa and India, prevents sugar absorption by blocking glucose receptors in the stomach. Hence, it regulates blood sugar levels while reducing sugar cravings.

This supplement, however, is off-limits for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Those who are taking diabetes medications due to hypoglycemia are prohibited as well. Likewise, you must stop using Gymnema Sylvestre two weeks before undergoing any surgery.

Control your intake

Much like other medication, these weight loss herbs must be consumed at the right amount to prevent considerable side effects. Consult medical experts like Integrated Health to determine the correct dosage and if these herbs won’t cause severe side effects. As you take these supplements, monitor your calories, and work up a sweat to yield better results.

If you’re looking to for a nutritionist in Sydney to help you know more about weight loss herbs and which herbs can work for you. Get in touch with Integrated Health today. We’re happy to help!

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