Our Guide to Cupping Treatments – How to Take Care of Yourself Before & After

When it comes to alternative medicine, there are forms of therapies that you can resort to for
healing, optimal function, and other health benefits. The popular therapies used are massage
therapy and physical therapy, which are very beneficial to your health and overall well-being.
One interesting form of alternative medicine is cupping therapy. This type of therapy is
performed in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin, creating suction to stimulate the
flow of energy. The suction created through cupping is said to increase blood circulation, loosen
muscles and connective tissue, and clear “heat.”
Some people who have received cupping in the past complained about feeling sore, achy, tired,
or having flu-like feeling after such treatment. With the right self-care before the cupping
therapy, however, you can support your body so that you will feel rejuvenated after the
That said, below are seven tips on how to take of yourself before and after the cupping session.

  1. Drink plenty of water
    When it comes to bodywork, it’s always essential to keep yourself hydrated, which also applies
    to your cupping session. Make sure to drink plenty of room-temperature water before your
    session and for 24 to 48 hours after.
  2. Eat before the treatment
    It’s vital to keep yourself nourished and ready for the cupping session. This is why you must eat
    sometime during the day before your treatment. Also, it will help if you have a snack after your
    treatment to have a boost in energy.
  3. Avoid vigorous exercise after the treatment
    Be advised that you should avoid rigorous activities after the session at all costs. If you want to
    move after the session, you should consider walking, stretching, gentle yoga or other gentle
    movements to avoid shocking your body with sudden quick movements.
  4. Make sure to avoid drafts after treatment
    Take note that you should avoid drafts by all means. Never sit in front of fans or windy places,
    or cool down under the AC, especially after a treatment. Keep in mind that cupping opens the
    pores and the channels in your body, making it vulnerable. This is because environmental
    factors, such as wind and cold, can make your body stiff and experience pain.
  5. Avoid showering or swimming

After your cupping treatment, avoid showering or swimming for the rest of the day at all costs.
Do so for the same reason that avoiding wind and cold is essential.

  1. Apply massaging gel, cream, or oil for any soreness.
    You can apply massage gel, cream, or oil into the area if you have any soreness or if you have
    dark cupping marks. Doing so will help promote healing and reduce any discomfort.
  2. Inform your practitioner if you have discomfort after cupping.
    Remember always to inform your practitioner if you’ve ever experienced any form of discomfort
    after the cupping sessions. This is because they can quickly modify the treatments yet be gentle
    and effective.
    Ultimately, cupping therapy can be beneficial by improving the blood flow and allowing for
    improved function and healing of your body. If you are dehydrated, haven’t eaten enough, are
    fatigued, or have a sensitive constitution, keep in mind that your body may not have the
    resources it needs to endure after the treatment.
    With the right self-care before and after a cupping therapy, you can support your body so that
    you will feel as renewed. By following the tips given above, you will be able to avoid the achy
    flu-like feelings, and receive all the amazing benefits of cupping!
    If you are looking for a cupping treatment in Sydney, get in touch with us today to see how we
    can help.

By Dr Jason Mallia Acupuncturist Sydney Naturopath

Integrative Medicine