Blood Type Education and Certification

Available at the clinic is Blood Type Diet certification under Jason Mallia Master of the Institute of Human Individuality (USA). Jason Mallia is considered an expert in the field of Blood Type Nutrition amongst his peers having studied directly under Peter D Adamo and lectured on the subject world wide. He recently lectured to Medical Doctors Naturopaths and other Health professionals at the International Congress of Natural Medicine on the Gold Coast along side the Godfather of Natural Medicine Dr Jeffrey Bland. The training is designed for Health professionals wanting to learn useful clinical skills to incorporate Blood Type Medicine in their practice, Training is also provided for lay people who want to learn more about how the diet can help them with their health concerns. For further information please contact the clinic.

REGISTER your interest for OFFCIAL CERTIFICATION by Dr Peter Dadamo

Another option for practitioners and Lay people alike is to register your interest for an official training via the Institute of Human Individuality (USA) In Australia , we are now taking names for a potential Mini Conference in Australia please register your interest

A Word from the Founder

This was a testimonial given by Dr Peter D’Adamo (founder of the blood type diet) as a prelude to the My Health (blood type) conference in Singapore.

Dear Friends,
“This year brings us much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. Earlier this year had the pleasure, and great honor of meeting Dr Mallia, at the institute of human individuality symposium in the US. Not only is he extremely knowledgeable in the principles of the science of human individuality, but is a fantastic person as well. You are fortunate to have the opportunity to hear him speak and learn from his experience”

Yours in health
Dr Peter D’Adamo

Blood Type Nutrigenomics

Blood Type Diet Sydney

A person’s blood type is a genetically determined, scientific marker which individualizes us from one another. The blood type diet and eating right for your type is a system based on utilizing specific foods and nutrients for particular people / blood types in order to enhance or improve one’s overall health status. Correct eating and eating right for your own personal needs is a crucial element for achieving optimum health. However, in today’s fast paced society achieving optimum health can be a rather difficult task. The blood type diet on the other hand is an easy to follow system for anyone wanting to eat more specifically for their own individual needs. It is a system that enables the individual to build their awareness of foods and how they affect us positively and negatively.

Why has the Blood Type Medicine become so popular?

Well the fact of the matter is that we as human beings have lost touch with ourselves. We rely too heavily on the media and products advertising to understand what is good for us, we are told eat this cereal it gives you this, eat this muesli bar it gives you that. We are also told by Doctors generally to follow certain diets for particular health problems, for instance heart disease patients are told to cut out saturated fats and reduce cholesterol from their diets.

These recommendations all have a place however we need to get more specific and personalised to our health needs in order to increase our propensity to heal.

The Truth Lies Within!

You body is so highly sophisticated that it tells you what it needs. Most people who stumble across the blood type diet resonate with it because it makes sense. It resonates with our humanly instincts which tell us what is good for us. This helps patients get back to themselves, which is usually the reason they got sick in the first place.
Animals for instance when they are looking for food often smell to see what is good for them before they consume. They know what to eat when they are sick also. Just like other animals, human beings are designed to smell and or sense whether a food can help or hinder our health.

Numerous people on a daily basis are realizing that what is good for goose is not always good for the gander. The reason for this is we are all individual we all have different needs and they need to be honoured.

Here are just a few of the things that make us unique:

  • Blood Type
  • Rhesus blood Type
  • Secretor status
  • Gut Microbiome composition
  • Our genetic origin
  • SNIPS pr Polymorphisms
  • And the list goes on and on…………….

One only Heals when sense of self is recognized J Mallia 1999

In order for people to get back to optimum health they must listen to what feels best for themselves as individuals and getting Blood type specific is a great place to start.

As mentioned the blood type is a genetically determined marker that gives us one level of individuality that we can work with to enhance our health. Often many people find they are doing the right thing most of the time and that the blood type diet merely helps them fine tune and get back to themselves further.
However other people are not eating blood type specific and have lost sense of themselves to some degree often resulting in poor immunity and frequent chronic issues.
In terms of disease management getting individually specific is crucial for the best prognosis, not only are humans all different, but the way we express our diseases and fight it is also different.
Therefore should we treat all disease and people the same?
The answer is No, the Great Physician Hippocrates was quoted saying:

“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”– Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

Click on the article below to read about Cliff Richard and his experience with the Blood Type Diet feature in the Sydney Morning Herald

Cliff Richard Blood Type Diet

Click here for the blood type PDF

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